So long to the loveliest of friends

Clover’s obituary flashed onto my Facebook feed two weeks ago. “Intrepid companion,” it read. “Unstoppable greeter.” “Sweetest of souls.” Clover was all of those. Joyful, exuberant, empathetic and lovely. She had all the traits you would wish in a human: kind, caring, welcoming beyond measure, and never a jerk. Not once. She was an old…

Reno day. And I should be organizing.

I’ve often read about the importance of giving gratitude to balance your psyche and give perspective. So today, I’m expressing gratitude for friends who have it together and know how to organize. Cabinet maker Tom comes today. The kitchen reno starts tonight. Everything must go. I’ve been dunging the place out all week and passersby…

Birthday memories defined by mumps, stitches, and family

Happy birthday. I’d been saving for your education, but decided this would be a better time (a fair assumption given I kept skipping final exams to take summer jobs on newspapers). No Pollyanna, my mother was all realist.

40 years ago I had another baby

When she was three I watched from a viewing platform as she leapt into the deep end of a pool during a swimming lesson. She came up coughing and blubbing and ready to jump again.

It was a metaphor for her life as she makes a difference in this world in ways I can barely comprehend.

The best looking guy in town

Driving home along the lake with my friends Di and Cath. It’s 7 a.m. or so and we’ve been at an all-night beach party.
A car passes in the other direction.
That was my Dad! I shriek.

A laywoman’s guide to shaving

Should you find yourself in charge of a never-before- performed activity, herewith, on the job learning under the tutelage of a nervous Mr WI64. A guide to how shave a man.